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برای مشاهده هر مقاله، بر روی عنوان آن کلیک کنید.
The Superelastic property evalution of NiTi orthodontic wire through three point bending test using simulated oral condition model
Authors: Haj-Fathalian M, Nili-Ahmadabadi M, Habibi-Parsa M, Shahhoseini T, Ghadirian H, Hoseinzadeh-Nik T.Journal of the college of engineering. Summer 2008, Volume 42, Issue 5, pages: 631-7
Prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (Bolton analysis) in sagittal malocclusions
Athours: Eslamian L, Ghadirian H, Seyfi M.Beheshti Univ. Dent. J 2005; 22(4): 547-556
Effect of saliva on load-deflection characteristics of superelastic nickel-titanium orthodontic wires.
Authors: Hosseinzadeh Nik T, Ghadirian H, Ahmadabadi MN, Shahhoseini T, Haj-Fathalian M.J Dent (Tehran). 2012 Fall;9(4):171-9. Epub 2012 Dec 31.
Static and cyclic load-deflection characteristics of NiTi orthodontic archwires using modified bending tests
Authors: Nili-Ahmadabadi M, Shahhoseini T, Habibi-Parsa M, Haj-Fathalian M, Hoseinzadeh-Nik T, Ghadirian HJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance. August 2009, Volume 18, Issue 5-6, pp 793-796
Comparison of ANB, Wits, β, and µ angles differentiating antero-posterior discrepancies
Authors: Geramy A, Ghadirian H, kharazifard MJ, Katooki TIranian Journal of Orthodontics, Vol.4, Year. 2009, Page:87-92
Tip back bend in continuous arch wire: 3d analysis using finite element method
Authors: Geramy A, Retrouvey JM, Ghadirian H, Jelodar R, salehi HIJCD, Vol.4, No.4
Palatal Cleft and supernumerary teeth: A Case Report
Authors: Salehi H, Ghadirian H, Geramy AIranian Journal of Orthodontics , Vol.3, Year. 2006, Page:139-140
Dilaceration: 3D analysis using finite element method
Authors: Geramy A, Ghadirian HIranian Journal of Orthodontics , Vol.2, No.1&2, Year. 2007, Page:43-9,
Tip back bend in continuous arch wire: 3D analysis using finite element method
Authors: Geramy A, Ghadirian HCaspian Orthodontic Journal , Vol.1, Year. 2008, Page:97-101
Comparison of methods used to correct a lingually tilted mandibular molar: 3-D analysis using finite element method
Authors: Geramy A, Ghadirian HAust Orthod J, Vol.24, Year. 2008, Page:96-101